Appendix Supporting Documents for Conducting Investigations

This appendix includes checklists and worksheets that you can use to investigate and resolve claims of workplace misconduct. Included are:

  1. An Investigation Strategy worksheet for keeping track of investigation steps.
  2. An Interview Notes Cover Page that gives you a place to record information about a witness you are interviewing and a checklist of statements to make at the beginning and end of each interview.
  3. Sample Conclusion Language. You can use the language found here to state your findings clearly and precisely.


General Information

Matter Name: ________________________________________

Matter #:   ________________________________________

Matter Type:  ________________________________________

Investigator:  ________________________________________

Immediate Remedial Action Taken:    ________________________




  • Review written complaint or other written statements regarding allegations. Documents reviewed: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
  • Review relevant company policies and procedures. Policies reviewed: __________________________________________________________
  • Review complainant’s and alleged wrongdoer’s personnel files.

Potential Witnesses

Documents to Review

Other Notes


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