

abbreviations, 566, 625, 629

accelerators, keyboard, 335337, 435

accessibility issues

accessibility design, 636647

color use, 714

documentation, 649650

types of disabilities, 636

usability for lower-literacy people, 647648

usability for senior citizens, 648649

as user interface design principle, 45, 236237

acronyms, 566, 625, 629

action:object approach, 27

actions, 26, 117

actions bars, 393

adaptive menus, 326


components, 46, 141149, 728729

simplicity versus complexity, 5657, 149153

as user interface design principle, 45

affordance, 53, 349

age of users and related issues, 87, 9699, 648649

alignment and/or justification

borders, 159

captions/data fields, 191201, 218

for screen composition, 738745

text, 579

alignment points, 57, 152153

Altus system, 7

Amiga 100, 8

anchor links, 355, 360

annoyance on part of users, 74, 76

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 49, 123

anthropomorphic interaction style, 15, 16

anxiety reduction, 20

AOL (America OnLine), 9

appeal, visual, 46. See also aesthetics

Apple computers, 8, 9, 651

Apple Human Interface Guidelines for the Macintosh, 122

application design, 4043

application experience, 86, 90

application windows, 400

application-oriented systems, 27

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), 8

associative links, 355

attitude and motivation, 87, 95

attributes of objects, 26

audition, 665666, 681686

auditory commands, 14

auditory feedback, 18

auto skip, 212213

automated evaluation methods, ...

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