

Academy awards, 9, 231

Accent lighting, 248

Acrylic and specialty staging, 46

dance floor systems, 46

LED floor panels, 46

Adding texture, 281

Additive color mixing, 90

Aesthetic designs, 231232

Al Gore, speaking on global warming, 153

Amber drift, 87

American economy, 18

American Idol, 20

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 5657

Amplifiers, 139

Analog video signals, 102103

Apron staging, 49

Architectural acoustics, 147

Arenas and stadiums, 28

unique challenges for designing, 28

Aspect ratios and resolution, 105106, 114

Association events, 34

Atmospherics, 38, 92

types, 92


ambiance, 247

mixers, 137138

mixing boards, 138

services, 147149

speakers, types, 142145

Audio system

beyond the basics from a designer’s view,

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