Acknowledging complaints, 236


aligned with purpose, 258

on customer complaints, 237238

Actionable Intelligence Law, 106114

AdAge, 25

Adding value, 116117

Adidas, 181

Ads, 214217

Advocacy, 5153, 142145

Agile marketing, 178

Airbnb, 4951, 137

AKQA, 34

Alaska Airlines, 248249

All Things Hair, 117

#AllTreesAreBeautiful, 5456

Amazon Wines, 82

Ambassador programs, 8182, 104

American Apparel, 25, 181182

Andreassen, Durita Dahl, 173

Annex, 6263

Annual reports, 126, 128

Apologies, 55, 237, 248

Applbaum, Lee, 107108

Apple, 215

Apple Podcasts, 224

Arby’s, 129

Authenticity, 16

as Achilles’ heel, 40

in apologies, 237

defining, 40

of stories, 94

in This Girl Can campaign, 113

in tone of voice, 138139

in utilitarian marketing,

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