
LISTING 3.1: Pseudocode Representation of Binding Syntax 63

LISTING 3.2: Typical Active Directory Binding Demonstrating the Four Parameters 63

LISTING 3.3: Demonstration of Different GUID Binding Approaches 71

LISTING 3.4: Well-Known GUID Binding 75

LISTING 3.5: BuildOctetString Function 78

LISTING 3.6: Demonstrating SID Binding 78

LISTING 3.7: Binding with Default Credentials 79

LISTING 3.8: Binding with Explicit Credentials 80

LISTING 3.9: Binding to a Specific User with Default Credentials 80

LISTING 3.10: AuthenticationTypes Enumeration Members 84

LISTING 3.11: Retrieving the Default Naming Context with RootDSE 95

LISTING 3.12: Demonstrating Proper Connection Caching 96

LISTING 3.13: Creating an Object in the Directory 100


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