ABB (Asea Brown Boveri), 71–73
accountability, 212
action-oriented strategies, 78–86, 116–17, 226
action plan, 133
AES Corporation, 4, 30–36, 206–13
AGC (Avant-Garde Computer, Inc.), 190–91
Alahuhta, Matti, 220
American Society of Travel Agents, 168
Andreessen, Marc, 148
Anti-They campaign, 34
Asea Brown Boveri (ABB), 71–73
associates, 59
athletic experiences, 171, 185–89
Australian National Industries, 51
Avant-Garde Computer, Inc. (AGC), 190–91
Bailey, Rita, 165
Bakke, Dennis, 4, 30–36, 206–13
b2b (business-to-business) networks, 18, 42
behavior, 22, 41, 227. see also modeling
of coordinators, ...
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