Chapter 17. Encoding Categorical Data

For statistical modeling in R, the preferred representation for categorical or nominal data is a factor, a variable that can take on a limited number of different values; internally, factors are stored as a vector of integer values together with a set of text labels.1 In Chapter 8 we introduced feature engineering approaches, including those to encode or transform qualitative or nominal data into a representation better suited for most model algorithms. We discussed how to transform a categorical variable, such as the Bldg_Type in our Ames housing data (with levels OneFam, TwoFmCon, Duplex, Twnhs, and TwnhsE), to a set of dummy or indicator variables like those shown in Table 17-1.

Table 17-1. Illustration of binary encodings (i.e., dummy variables) for a qualitative predictor
Raw data TwoFmCon Duplex Twnhs TwnhsE
OneFam 0 0 0 0
TwoFmCon 1 0 0 0
Duplex 0 1 0 0
Twnhs 0 0 1 0
TwnhsE 0 0 0 1

Many model implementations require such a transformation to a numeric representation for categorical data.


The Appendix presents a table of recommended preprocessing techniques for different models; notice how many of the models in the table require a numeric encoding for all predictors.

However, for some realistic data sets, straightforward dummy variables are not a good fit. This often happens because there are too many categories or there are new categories at prediction time. In this chapter, we discuss more sophisticated options ...

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