Subject index

Note: Main references are in bold print.

abortion 3941, 901

abuse, sexual: of children 171, 181, 182, 189

Achilles’ Heel 98, 101

action: quality of 334; theory of 27

activities, men’s need of 158

alienation 1234

anger: men’s 412, 80; women’s 174, 2056

animals 26

autonomy: and experience 846; and reason 278

beliefs: sources of 26

black people: protest movements 127, 194; racism 203, 204, 206; see also slavery

body: devaluation of 1718, 1922, 1334; and emotions 25; and mind 1315; reclaiming 193

Brazil 54, 74

capitalism 1234, 126, 1323; and individualism 46, 734

care: morality of 3841; and responsibility 414

castration fears 11415

Catholicism 489

certainty 1523

change 187, 2046

children: fear and learning 18 ...

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