
Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes, f indicate figures, t indicate tables, and ge indicate glossary terms.


Accessibility, 36, 83t, 164, 191–204, 325, 381, 389ge
Accessibility Monitoring Application, 197
Access to Services Strategy, 372, 389ge
Advanced concept technology demonstrations (ACTDs), 97
Agile processes, 298, 321, 389ge
Air traffic management (ATM), 98–99, 389ge
automated processes, 98–99
communication, 98–99
operating environments, 98–99
Akoma Ntoso schema, 141, 145
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 193
Anthropometrics, 235–236, 389ge
Assistive technologies, 80, 192f, 325–326, 389ge
Authentication, 219, 221–222 ...

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