5.7 An Integrated Error-resilient Object-based Video Coding Architecture
(Portions reprinted, with permission, from M. Tagliasacchi, G. Valenzise, S. Tubaro, “Minimum variance optimal rate allocation for multiplexed H.264/AVC bitstreams, Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Volume 17, Issue 7, July 2008 Page(s):1129–1143. ©2008 IEEE.)
5.7.1 Problem Definition and Objectives
As explained in Sections 5.5 and 5.6, in order to make possible new object-based video services – such as those based on the MPEG-4 object-based audiovisual coding standard – in error-prone environments, appropriate error-resilience techniques are needed. By combining several complementary error-resilience techniques at both sides of the communication chain, it is possible to further improve the error resilience of the whole system. Therefore, the purpose of the work described here is to propose an object-based video coding architecture, where complementary error-resilient tools, most of which have been previously proposed in VISNET I for all the relevant modules, are integrated.
5.7.2 Proposed Technical Solution
The proposed object-based architecture, where the various proposed error-resilience techniques will be integrated, is shown in Figure 5.13.
At the encoder side, after the video scene has been defined, the coding of video objects is supervised by a resilience configuration module, which is responsible for choosing the most adequate coding parameters in terms of resilience. This is important because ...
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