© Bryan Lim and Richard LaFranchi 2019
B. Lim, R. LaFranchiVue on Railshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5116-4_4

4. Real-World Applications Through Short Tutorials

Bryan Lim1  and Richard LaFranchi2
Singapore, Singapore
Boulder, CO, USA

I also really care about the approachability part of Vue, which is rooted in the belief that technology should be enabling more people to build things

—Evan You

We learn best by learning through examples. In this chapter, we provide real-world examples to illustrate certain points.

The vueonrails gem comes with Ruby and JavaScript methods that allow us to enable a concept that we like to call specific-page Vue. We will demonstrate how to use specific-page Vue with and without Turbolinks in the first tutorial. ...

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