

Aarhus plant, 182
acid gas
control technologies, 219–20
scrubbing, 207–11
actual cost of emission control (ACE), 223
Adiox, 197
advanced solutions
heat pumps and district cooling, 140
tri-generation of power, heat and cooling, 141
aerobic digestion, 63
air classification, 60
air emission
changes after 1985, 193–5
SCR system, 194
changes in 1970s and early 1980s, 186, 188–93
actual air emissions limits for large-scale waste combustion plants, 188
dry scrubbing system, 193
fabric filter, 190
two-stage wet scrubbing system, 191, 192
waste combustion air emission limits in Germany and Netherlands, 189
regulations and technology influence, 186–95
air pollution control, 85
cost–benefit analysis, 221–3
Air Pollution Control Act (1955), ...

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