Labor, dividing, 1:19

Laboratory throughput, 3:1865

Lagrange multipliers method, 3:1564

Landfill disposal issues, 3:1954


as a carcass disposal option, 3:19621963

disease prevention at, 3:1963

LandScan USA project, 4:2617, 2629

Landscape phage library, 3:1793

Landscape phages, 3:17911793

Langmuir–Blodgett (LB)-coated monolayers, 3:1794

Lanthanum tri-Bromide detectors, 1:376

Large crowd behavior simulation models, 4:2623

Large grid electric power transmission, mechanism of, 4:23592360

Large logic trees, software to solve, 1:114

Large populations, evacuation of, 4:2630

Large-scale carcass disposal efforts, decisions about, 3:19601961

Large-scale electricity transmission grids, 4:23582372

unbundling and decentralization of, 4:23702371

Large-scale infrastructures, interdependencies among, 2:1362

Large-scale networks, security in, 2:1097

Large traffic simulations, challenges for, 4:26512652

Large venues

prevention of drinking water contamination in, 4:22592272

soft targets in, 4:22672268

water system components associated with, 4:22612266

Laser Compton backscattering (LCB) sources, 1:381

Laser devices, 1:552

Laser-induced cockpit glare, 1:617

Laser-induced plasma channel (LIPC), 1:605

Laser interrogation of surface agents (LISA), 1:429

Lasers, 1:616

consequences of employing, 1:617618

Law. See also Law and legislation; Legal entries; Legislation

American CIIP, 2:902905

British CIIP, 2:889

in cyber forensics, 2:1011

Dutch CIIP, 2:802803

European CIIP, 2:915918 ...

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