© Mike Halsey and Andrew Bettany 2015
Andrew Bettany and Mike HalseyWindows File System Troubleshooting10.1007/978-1-4842-1016-1_1

1. An Introduction to the Windows File System

Mike Halsey and Andrew Bettany2
Microsoft MVP, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK
Microsoft MVP, York, North Yorkshire, UK
Performing a search on the files that make up my own Windows installation, plus software apps and utilities, you’d be unsurprised, I’m sure, to hear that Windows is reporting that there are more than half a million files in almost 80,000 folders on my C: drive, all taking up a whopping 182GB of space.
It’s understandable, then, that when problems arise with a Windows installation or installed software, many people find it difficult to know how to begin ...

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