

Access classes (AC), 223, 224f
Access networks, 3–4
Access point (AP), 10, 205
Acknowledgment (ACK), 71, 73, 77, 226
Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), 18, 20, 25, 32, 34, 44
Ad hoc networks, 3, 4f, 8, 10, 205, 206f
Ad hoc wireless sensor networks
applications of, 337
communication coverage, 339–341
design and analysis of, 337
distributed computing algorithms, 338
function computation, 359
intrusion detection, 338
localization, 348
packet scheduling algorithms, 338
random deployment, 338, 363f
routing, 353
scheduling, 368–369
sensing coverage, 341–348
Advanced mobile phone service (AMPS), 120

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