CHAPTER 4Remote Working 201: Perfecting Your Game

In the above quote, Maarten Koopmans touches on the fundamental task at hand: self-knowledge. In the end, rising to any challenge comes down to knowing what you’re made of—and constantly striving to improve.

As for the goal of perfecting your game, working remotely falls under three umbrella headings: how to deliver what your employer needs, how to tend to your own needs, and how to be a team player.

How to Deliver What Your Employer Needs

Referring back to the top traits of successful remote workers, our watchwords for this section are: motivation, organization, productivity, prioritization, and time management. First up: starting each workday.


“It takes discipline to do your work when there’s nobody there telling you what to do.”

—BEN LINDERS, trainer, coach, and advisor2

There’s a sense of discipline built into an on-site working environment. When working remotely, we have to come up with our own motivation and discipline. Fortunately, the advice on this is pretty unanimous:

  • Have a set routine in the morning. ...

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