
adaptive behavior as, 165

thinking, 71

ACTH. See Adrenocorticotropic hormone


adrenaline facilitated by, 14

detachment as, 7, 86, 91

letting go as, 7, 84, 86

Acute stress

as not harmful, 14, 162

as pressure, 22, 58–59

Adaptive behavior, 165

Addiction, as workplace factor, 67

Adrenal glands, 53


action facilitated by, 14

chronic high blood pressure linked to, 55–56

fight-or-flight response causing, 54, 177

freeze reaction associated with, 55

as hormone, 14, 177

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 57–58, 177

Alcohol, 16–17

Anti-inflammatory drug, 58


definition of, 23

leaders being, 39

Atherosclerosis, 56

Attachment, 91–92, 99


communication and, 145

control over, 7, 11, 20, 47–48, 75,

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