

Academy Award, 4, 12, 148, 333

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 8, 139

act, 69

action, 8, 1013, 6162, 189, 190, 191, 192, 207209

vs. dialogue, 207209

acts, 160, 165

actuality, 140

Adams, Amy, 195

adaptations, 10, 202204

problems of, 202203

writing for, 202

The Adirondack Adventure Guide, 257

admissions video, 1920

Adobe Director, 257, 261, 262

Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC), 303

Adventures in the Screen Trade, 201

adversary, 160, 161

advertisements (ad), 79, 80

audience attention and, 8388

billboards, 97100

client needs, 81

computer imaging techniques and, 90

First Union, 89

formats, 102

graphics and, 90

infomercials, 9697

on Internet, 100102

miniscripts, 8182, 83, 102, 260, 292

sexuality, 95

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