50 Activities for Developing Leaders, Vol. II

Book description

A best-seller—completely updated and more relevant than ever! Developed by two veteran leadership experts, the second edition offers 50 ready-made, proven activities organized into four modules that focus on:

  • Laying the groundwork for a workshop that makes an impact

  • Developing the individual leader

  • Setting an example so that others will want to be leaders, too

  • Helping leaders excel and perform at their best.

  • Table of contents

    1. 50 Activities for Developing Leaders, Vol. II
      1. Copyright
      2. Preface
      3. Foreword1
      4. How to Get the Most Out of This Book
      5. About the Authors
      6. Acknowledgements to the Contributors
      7. Part One: Lay the Groundwork, Energize Participants, and Then Close
        1. Chapter 1: Get Them Ready!: Pre-Workshop Meeting to select and prepare your participants in advance
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Variation
        2. Chapter 2: Get the Idea?: Form IDEA teams
          1. Objective
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
        3. Chapter 3: Leadership Shield (1/2)
        4. Chapter 3: Leadership Shield (2/2)
          1. Objective
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        5. Chapter 4: Make It Rhyme with "Leader"
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        6. Chapter 5: Meet My Leader–an Orange?
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        7. Chapter 6: Tell a Story and Make Your Point! (1/2)
        8. Chapter 6: Tell a Story and Make Your Point! (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resources
        9. Chapter 7: Take Time to "Journal"
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        10. Chapter 8: The Leadership Puzzle
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        11. Chapter 9: The Exhibit Hall
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        12. Chapter 10: Walk and Talk
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        13. Chapter 11: The Koosh Ball Review Game
          1. Objectives
          2. When to Use
          3. Group Size
          4. Estimated Time
          5. Training Methods
          6. Materials
          7. Equipment and Supplies
          8. Room Set-up
        14. Chapter 12: I Learned a Lot!
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          8. Resource
        15. Chapter 13: Word Scramble Closure Game
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        16. Chapter 14: Dear Diary . . . (1/2)
        17. Chapter 14: Dear Diary . . . (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Variation
        18. Chapter 15: Let's Meet Soon!: Forming professional resource groups (1/2)
        19. Chapter 15: Let's Meet Soon!: Forming professional resource groups (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        20. Chapter 16: Saying Goodbye (1/2)
        21. Chapter 16: Saying Goodbye (2/2)
          1. Objective
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Method
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
      8. Part Two: To Thine Own Self Be True
        1. Chapter 17: Organizational Leadership Assessment (1/3)
        2. Chapter 17: Organizational Leadership Assessment (2/3)
        3. Chapter 17: Organizational Leadership Assessment (3/3)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Materials
          5. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Variations
        4. Chapter 18: The Leadership Challenge: The Kouzes-Posner Leadership Model (1/2)
        5. Chapter 18: The Leadership Challenge: The Kouzes-Posner Leadership Model (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resources
        6. Chapter 19: Sort-Out Manager-vs.-Leader Competencies (1/2)
        7. Chapter 19: Sort-Out Manager-vs.-Leader Competencies (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resource
        8. Chapter 20: Lead Them on an Adventure!
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        9. Chapter 21: Trust: The Glue of Leadership
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        10. Chapter 22: A Metaphor for Personal Change: From Caterpillars to Butterflies (1/2)
        11. Chapter 22: A Metaphor for Personal Change: From Caterpillars to Butterflies (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Variations
          10. References
        12. Chapter 23: Values: The Foundation of Ethics
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resource
        13. Chapter 24: Just Do the Right Thing!: How to Make Ethical Decisions (1/2)
        14. Chapter 24: Just Do the Right Thing!: How to Make Ethical Decisions (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Room Set-up
          7. Equipment and Supplies
          9. Variation
          10. Resource
        15. Chapter 25: Power! (1/2)
        16. Chapter 25: Power! (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        17. Chapter 26: You be the Judge! (1/2)
        18. Chapter 26: You be the Judge! (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
        19. Chapter 27: Remember This!: A Power Card Affirmation
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
        20. Chapter 28: Balance Balls and Balance Life
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        21. Chapter 29: The Talisman: A Symbol for Balance
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Room Set-up
        22. Chapter 30: Grow Like a Garden: A Metaphor
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Equipment and Supplies
          6. Room Set-up
        23. Chapter 31: Making Connections: Networking (1/2)
        24. Chapter 31: Making Connections: Networking (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resources
      9. Part Three: Set an Example
        1. Chapter 32: Flex Your Style (1/2)
        2. Chapter 32: Flex Your Style (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resources
        3. Chapter 33: Claim Conflict (1/2)
        4. Chapter 33: Claim Conflict (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
        5. Chapter 34: Walk in Another's Shoes: A Diversity exercise
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resource
        6. Chapter 35: Where Were You When?: A Timeline
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        7. Chapter 36: You + Me = A Team
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Equipment and Supplies
          6. Room Set-up
        8. Chapter 37: Toot Your Horn!: Sell yourself and your ideas (1/2)
        9. Chapter 37: Toot Your Horn!: Sell yourself and your ideas (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Room Set-up
          7. Resources
        10. Chapter 38: Presenting with Pizzazz! (1/3)
        11. Chapter 38: Presenting with Pizzazz! (2/3)
        12. Chapter 38: Presenting with Pizzazz! (3/3)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        13. Chapter 39: Can We Talk About This?: The Leader as Negotiator (1/3)
        14. Chapter 39: Can We Talk About This?: The Leader as Negotiator (2/3)
        15. Chapter 39: Can We Talk About This?: The Leader as Negotiator (3/3)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resource
        16. Chapter 40: The Agenda: A Leader's GuideTo a Great Meeting (1/2)
        17. Chapter 40: The Agenda: A Leader's GuideTo a Great Meeting (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resources
        18. Chapter 41: Energize!
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
      10. Part Four: Bring Out Their Best
        1. Chapter 42: Listen up!: The Leader as Coach (1/3)
        2. Chapter 42: Listen up!: The Leader as Coach (2/3)
        3. Chapter 42: Listen up!: The Leader as Coach (3/3)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          9. Resources
        4. Chapter 43: Pass It On!: The Leader as Teacher (1/2)
        5. Chapter 43: Pass It On!: The Leader as Teacher (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
        6. Chapter 44: Dare to Take Risks (1/3)
        7. Chapter 44: Dare to Take Risks (2/3)
        8. Chapter 44: Dare to Take Risks (3/3)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Materials
          5. Training Methods
          6. Equipment and Supplies
        9. Chapter 45: Sucessful Leaders Have Mentors (1/3)
        10. Chapter 45: Sucessful Leaders Have Mentors (2/3)
        11. Chapter 45: Sucessful Leaders Have Mentors (3/3)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          8. Variation
        12. Chapter 46: Searching for Creativity (1/2)
        13. Chapter 46: Searching for Creativity (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          8. Resources
        14. Chapter 47: The Alphabet Poem: Practice your creativity!
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Equipment and Supplies
          6. Materials
          7. Room Set-up
        15. Chapter 48: Leadership Stations: Your Final Journey (1/2)
        16. Chapter 48: Leadership Stations: Your Final Journey (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          8. Notes
        17. Chapter 49: Keep the Flame Burning: Recognizing others (1/2)
        18. Chapter 49: Keep the Flame Burning: Recognizing others (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Room Set-up
          7. Notes
          8. Resource
        19. Chapter 50: Add Heart To Your Workplace: Celebrations (1/2)
        20. Chapter 50: Add Heart To Your Workplace: Celebrations (2/2)
          1. Objectives
          2. Group Size
          3. Estimated Time
          4. Training Methods
          5. Materials
          6. Equipment and Supplies
          7. Room Set-up
          8. Resource
          9. Variation
      11. Appendix: Glossary of Training Methods

    Product information

    • Title: 50 Activities for Developing Leaders, Vol. II
    • Author(s): Lois B. Hart Ed.D., Charlotte S. Waisman Ph.D.
    • Release date: January 2003
    • Publisher(s): HRD Press
    • ISBN: 9780874257366