
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures and “t” indicate tables.’
Absolute cavity radiometer, 21
Absorber, 47–48
Absorption chiller, 49–51
Absorption cooling, 252–254, 253f
Absorption refrigeration, 251–252, 252f
Active storage, 403, 404f
Active solar space heating
active solar combined space heating system, 177, 178f
active solar liquid space heating system, 177, 177f–179f
air space heating system, 179, 179f–180f
building-integrated solar thermal system (BIST), 198
domestic hot water (DHW) system, 158
factory-made solar heating system, 161
solar combined system, 157–158
standard active solar air system, 159–161, 160f
standard active solar liquid system, 159–161, 159f
circulation pump group, 164f
domestic hot water storage ...

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