
Boldface page numbers refer to figures.


ABC network 10, 154

abdominal cavity 63, 65

AC, see adult contemporary (AC) format

“accused” 156

Accu-Weather 238

acronym, copy marking 90

acting, in commercials 114115

active live, news reporting 171


radio and television newscasts 129

sports reporting 221

writing news 156

AD, see assistant director (AD)

Adam’s Apple, sound production 64

additions, in pronunciation 72

ad-lib 151

in broadcast news 171172

commercials 113114, 126

fact sheet 175

field reporting 170

importance of 172

in program hosting 253

radio announcer 192193

radio commercial 124125

song intro practice project 214

vocal problems 73

working with camera 48

Adobe Audition 24, 35

adult contemporary (AC) format 198

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