Reserved Words Quick Reference
A compiler directive that executes instructions between #BeginAlert and #End only when the Enable Alert check box is selected.
Usage: #BeginAlert Alert("ADX Alert"); #End;
A compiler directive that executes instructions between #BeginCmtry and #End only when using the Analysis Commentary tool to select a bar on a chart or a cell on a grid.
Usage: #BeginCmtry Commentary(“The value is” + NumtoStr(Plot1, 0)); #End;
A compiler directive that executes instructions between #BeginCmtryOrAlert and #End when either the Alert or Commentary conditions exist.
Usage: #BeginCmtryorAlert Alert("ADX Alert"); Commentary(“The value is” + NumtoStr(Plot1, 0)); #End;
A compiler directive used to terminate an alert or commentary block statement.
Adds a cell to an ActivityBar row.
Syntax: AB_AddCell(Price, Side, Str_Char, Color, Value); Price: a numeric expression representing the price of a bar (e.g.,Open,Close) Side: LeftSide,RightSide Str_Char: a character that is displayed in the ActivityBar cell (e.g.,"A","N") Color: an EasyLanguage color value (e.g.,Red, Black) Value: a numeric expression representing the value of the cell Usage: AB_AddCell(Open, Leftside, "A", Red, 1);
Adds cells to a price range of the current bar starting at LowValue to HighValue.
Syntax: AB_AddCellRange(RangeHi, RangeLo, Side, Label, Color, Value) RangeHi: a numeric expression representing ...
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