
Aalborg University 75

Academy of Management conference 38

Afuah, A. 55

Airbnb 1

Al-Debei, M. M. 32, 36

Al-Qaeda 10

Alt, R. 6, 74, 98

Alvesson, M. 16, 38

Amazon 1, 11

Amit, R. 6, 32, 356, 43, 53, 59, 72, 804, 88, 98

Andersson, T. 65

Andrews, K. R. 3

Apple 1, 11

applied research methodology 1621; defining analytical framework 1718; developing reliability 21; publication coding 21; publication impact 17; testing literature review validity 21

Arend, R. J. 43

author: demographics 234; origins and publication outlets 247

Avison, D. 32, 36

Baden-Fuller, C. 75

Bailey, K. D. 856

Bambury, P. 67

Bell, T. 56, 58

Bellman, R. 3

Bettis, R. A. 4

Blank, Steve 74

Bock, A. 81

Bonaccorsi, A. 64

bottom of the pyramid (BoP) markets 64

Boulton, R. E. S. ...

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