Chapter 7 Making Carbon Tissue

Figure 7.1 Water Fountain, single transfer carbon print, 12ʺ × 18ʺ, © John Lockhart 2018

Figure 7.1 Water Fountain, single transfer carbon print, 12ʺ × 18ʺ, © John Lockhart 2018

Figure 7.2 Presidential Jam, single transfer carbon print, 12ʺ × 18ʺ, © John Lockhart 2018

Figure 7.2 Presidential Jam, single transfer carbon print, 12ʺ × 18ʺ, © John Lockhart 2018


One of the distinctive skills required for carbon printing is the manufacture of printing tissue. Along with the preparation of final supports, skill in making quality printing tissue is integral to mastery of the craft. It is key to exploring the full range of aesthetic possibility carbon offers.

The most obvious reason to make ...

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