Chapter 4

Next Steps with CSS


Bullet Formatting lists and tables

Bullet Styling web pages using parent and child selectors

Bullet Naming pieces of code using id and class

Bullet Using the box model to position HTML elements on the page

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”


In this chapter, you continue building on the CSS you worked with in Book 2, Chapter 3. So far, the CSS rules you've seen in the previous chapter applied to the entire web page, but now they get more specific. You find out how to style several more HTML elements, including lists, tables, and forms, and how to select and style specific parts of a web page, such as the first paragraph in a story or the last row of a table. Finally, you read about how professional web developers use CSS and the box model to control, down to the pixel, the positioning of elements on the page.

Before diving in, remember the big picture: HTML puts content on the web page, and CSS further styles and positions that content. Instead of trying to memorize every rule, use this chapter to understand ...

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