
accommodating (approach to conflict), 65–71, 79

accusations, 245

acknowledgment, as part of apology, 138–139

adrenaline, 153, 161

Alda, Alan, on challenging your assumptions, 33

amygdala, 153–155, 157–159, 161, 163

anger, 22–23, 151–170

addiction to, 160–161

and passive-aggressive behavior, 69

and physiology of emotions, 153–155, 159

responding to someone else’s, 166–169

as secondary response, 156–158

techniques for managing your, 162–166

and workplace violence, 169–170

apology(-ies), 137–143

acknowledgment as part of, 138–139

from both involved parties, 139–141

insincere, 142–143

and listening to complaints, 232

steps for making, 141–142

and time, 185

approach(es) to conflict, 59–80

accommodating as, 65–71

avoiding as, 62–65

collaborating ...

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