Chapter 23

FutureGrid: A Reconfigurable Testbed for Cloud, HPC, and Grid Computing

Geoffrey C. Fox, Gregor von Laszewski, and Javier Diaz

Pervasive Technology Institute, Indiana University

Kate Keahey

Argonne National Laboratory

Jose Fortes and Renato Figueiredo

University of Florida

Shava Smallen

San Diego Supercomputer Center

Warren Smith

Texas Advanced Computing Center

Andrew Grimshaw

University of Virginia

23.1    Overview

23.1.1    Sponsor/Program Background

23.1.2    Historical Aspects of Clouds - Grids - HPC

23.2    Hardware Resources

23.3    Software Services

23.3.1    Architecture Overview

23.3.2    Access Services    Access Service Demand    Infrastructure as a Service    Platform Service

23.3.3    Management ...

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