Creating RSS 1.0 Feeds

Despite the additional complexity of the RDF attributes, the methods for creating RSS 1.0 feeds are similar to those used to create RSS 0.9x feeds (discussed in Chapter 4).

Creating RSS 1.0 with Perl

The XML::RSS module we used in Chapter 4 also works for RSS 1.0, with a few changes to the scripts. Example 6-4 shows a sample script to produce the feed shown in Example 6-5.

Example 6-4. Creating RSS 1.0 with Perl

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use XML::RSS; my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '1.0'); $rss->channel(title => "The Title of the Feed", link => "", description => "The description of the Feed", dc => { date => "2000-08-23T07:00+00:00", subject => "Linux Software", creator => "", publisher => "", rights => "Copyright 1999,", language => "en-us", }, ); $rss->image(title => "Oreilly", url => "", link => "", dc => { creator => "G. Raphics (graphics at", }, ); $rss->textinput(title => "Search", description => "Search the site", name => "query", link => "" ); $rss->add_item( title => "Example Entry 1", link => "", description => 'blah blah', dc => { subject => "Software", }, ); $rss->add_item( title => "Example Entry 2", link => "", description => 'blah blah' ); $rss->add_item( ...

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