

5Ws and 1H: of readership 30; of storytelling 67

absolute privilege 207

ACA (Affordable Care Act, 2010) 222

access to information 569

accountability and ethics 22830

accuracy 221, 223

active voice 18

actual damages 205

adaptive journalism 5

Adler, Eric 489

administrative assistants, talking to 33

Affordable Care Act (ACA, 2010) 222

“alleged” 1819

“allegedly” 1819

“allintext” operator 146

all-party consent law 58

Alphabetical in LATCH approach 157

ambient light as color 90

“AND” operator 146

Andrews, Paul 166

Ang, Tom 82

announcer in audio journalism 123

anonymous sources 2223; secondary 512

anti-SLAPP protection 2078

AP Broadcast stylebook 22

apertures 76

applications (apps) 1678

AP stylebook 223

* operator 1467

attribution ...

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