INDEX, on career tests, 159
accomplishment statements example, 125–126
improving, 47
structure, 45–46
acquisitions, 18
action step, in cover letter, 61
affiliations, in résumé, 49
affinity groups, 78
age-related issues, 80
aging parents, responsibility for, 167–168
assessment industry synthesizers, 157
assessment tests, 119
attitudes about work, 155–156
Australia, networking sites, 225
average performance, 121
background in résumé, 48
guidelines, 49
background, translating into company needs, 17
blogging, 93
corporate, 91
Bolles, Richard Nelson, What Color Is Your Parachute, 153
bookmarking sites, 93
“boomerang children,” 183
Boyle, Susan, 93
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 152
business cards, 109–110
business casual dress, 107
Virginia ...
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