Chapter 11
Search Trees
11.1.1 Navigating a Binary Search Tree
11.1.3 Insertions and Deletions
11.1.5 Performance of a Binary Search Tree
11.2.1 Python Framework for Balancing Search Trees
11.4.4 Amortized Analysis of Splaying
11.1 Binary Search Trees
In Chapter 8 we introduced the tree data structure and demonstrated a variety of applications. One important use is as a search tree (as described on page 332). In this chapter, we use a search tree structure to efficiently implement a sorted map. The three most fundamental methods of a map M (see Section 10.1.1) are:
M[k]: | Return the value v associated with key k in map M, if one exists; otherwise raise a KeyError; implemented with _ _getitem_ _ method. |
M[k] = v: | Associate value v with key k in map M, replacing the existing value if the map already contains an item with key equal to k; implemented with ... |
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