


Interface Name: java.sql.ResultSetMetaData

Superclass: None

Immediate Subclasses: None

Interfaces Implemented: None

Availability: JDK 1.1


This class provides meta-information about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet instance.

Class Summary

  public interface ResultSetMetaData {
    static public final int columnNoNulls;
    static public final int columnNullable;
    static public final int columnNullableUnknown;
    String getCatalogName(int index) 
        throws SQLException;
    String getColumnClassName(int index)
        throws SQLException; public int getColumnCount( ) throws SQLException; public int getColumnDisplaySize(int index) throws SQLException; public String getColumnLabel(int index) throws SQLException; public String getColumnName(int index) throws SQLException; public int getColumnType(int index) throws SQLException; public String getColumnTypeName(int index) throws SQLException; public int getPrecision(int index) throws SQLException; public int getScale(int index) throws SQLException; public String getSchemaName(int index) throws SQLException; public String getTableName(int index) throws SQLException; public boolean isAutoIncrement(int index) throws SQLException; public isCaseSensitive(int index) throws SQLException; public boolean isCurrency(int index) throws SQLException; public boolean isDefinitelyWritable(int index) throws SQLException; public int isNullable(int index) throws SQLException; public boolean isReadOnly(int index) throws SQLException; ...

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