
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Acoustic boundary layer, 146
Acoustic streaming, 146, 147–148
Actinide species, fluorination of
alternative gas chemistries for, 57–59
Advanced oxidation process (AOP), 158–159
Aerosol cleaning, 137f, 154–156
Airborne molecular contaminants (AMCs), 29–30
Ammonia–alkali peroxide mixture (APM) treatments, 2, 144, 144, 145, 156–157, 157, 165
Anionic modifiers, 180
Aqueous displacement solution (ADS) cleaning process, 177, 178f
drying, 180–181
hydrophilicity and wettability, evaluation for, 181
process flow diagram, 178f, 178f
requirements and parameters, 178–180
results of displacement tests, 182–186
Atmospheric pressure plasma, 58
Atomic force microscopy ...

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