Zone Classes

The MicrosoftDNS_Zone class offers a plethora of properties and methods to aid in managing your zones. Even if you are using AD-integrated zones, which help reduce the amount of work required to maintain DNS, inevitably you need to configure a zone’s settings or create additional zones. In Tables Table 14-3 and Table 14-4, available properties and methods for the MicrosoftDNS_Zone class are listed.

Table 14-3. MicrosoftDNS_Zone class properties

Property name

Property description


Boolean that indicates whether scavenging is enabled for the zone. The default value is FALSE, which means it is disabled.


Flag indicating whether dynamic updates are allowed. The value for this property can be one of the following:


No updates allowed.


Zone accepts both secure and nonsecure updates.


Zone accepts secure updates only.

The default for new zones is 0.


Boolean that indicates whether the zone was auto-created , as is the case with the standard reverse zones (e.g., that are automatically created by default.


Time period when scavenging can be run (if configured for the zone).


Name of the zone datafile.


Boolean that if TRUE indicates that WINS record replication is disabled. The default value is FALSE (WINS record replication does occur).


Boolean that indicates whether the zone is AD-integrated.


Boolean that indicates ...

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