Note: Page numbers in italic refer to fgures.

30° rule 61, 757, 767, 2001
180° rule 8, 61, 7880, 201, 209; violations of 213
3D 9, 222
Abrams, J.J., Star Wars VII The Force Awakens (2015) 152
action: axis of 789; cuts in 210; duration of 56; overlap 678; preservation of continuity of 60; sequences 12540; temporal types of 95
Actis, R. 211
acts, assembly of 23
adding, in editing 58, 89
advertising 9, 1738; condensing in 57
allegorical montage 37
alternate montage 12
alternating narrative 92
alternation effects 41
Amiel, V. 4
Amo, A. del 3
analogue era 97 analogue systems, end of 6
analogue videotape formats 1089
Ángeles Bermejo Mezquita, Enjuto Mojamuto (2010) 186
angry scenes 210
animation 211
application, forms of ...

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