
Numbers in bold refer to main entries

Aandahl, Irma 818

Abbot, Waldo 251

Abbott, Bud 248, 400

Abbott, Dotty 850

Abrams, Benjamin 265

Abrams, Lee 181, 217, 600

Abrams, Lewis 265

Abrams, Max 265

A.C. Nielsen Company 13; Arbitron PPMs 2, 3, 66, 67, 68; Audimeter 1; radio ratings development 12; VNU NV 2

Academy Award Theater 365

account executives (AEs) 7

Ace, Goodman 31, 243, 244

Ace, Jane 243, 244

Ackerman, Harry 545

acquisition see ownership, mergers and acquisitions

active rock format see heavy metal/active rock format

Acuff, Roy 116

Adams, Bill “Uncle Bill” 422

Adams, Cedric 829

Adams, Cindy 462

Adams, Faye 796

Adams, Franklin Pierce 625

Adams, Mason 376

Adams, Noah 32, 33, 506

Adams, Wylie 56

Adamson, Hans Christian 47

Addams, Jane ...

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