The Jenkinsfile and its stages

Let's take a look at the generated Jenkinsfile, which has our pipeline definitions, using the Groovy DSL:

#!/usr/bin/env groovynode {    stage('checkout') {        checkout scm    }    stage('check java') {        sh "java -version"    }    stage('clean') {        sh "chmod +x gradlew"        sh "./gradlew clean --no-daemon"    }    stage('nohttp') {        sh "./gradlew checkstyleNohttp --no-daemon"    }    stage('npm install') {        sh "./gradlew npm_install -PnodeInstall --no-daemon"    }    stage('backend tests') {        try {            sh "./gradlew test integrationTest -PnodeInstall             --no-daemon"        } catch(err) {            throw err        } finally {            junit '**/build/**/TEST-*.xml'        }    }    stage('frontend tests') {        try {            sh "./gradlew npm_run_test -PnodeInstall --no-daemon"        } catch(err) {            throw err        } finally {

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