Appendix E


3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project
3GPP2 Third Generation Partnership Project 2
AAA authentication, authorization and accounting
AAAH authentication, authorization and accounting home server
AAAL authentication, authorization and accounting local server
AC alternating current
ACK acknowledgment
ADC analog-to-digital converter
ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line
AES advanced encryption standard
AF assured forwarding
AGCH access grant channel
AH authentication header
AIFS arbitration interframe space
AIN advanced intelligent network
AKA authentication and key agreement
ALR anti-log-rayleigh
AM amplitude modulation
AMC adaptive modulation and coding
AMPS advanced mobile phone system
AODV ad hoc on-demand vector routing protocol
AP access point
API application programming interface
ARP address resolution protocol
ARPU average revenue per unit
ARQ automatic repeat request
AS autonomous system
AS application server
ASK amplitude shift keying
ASN access service network
ASN.1 abstract syntax notation 1
ASPR agreements, standards, policies, and regulations
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
AuC authentication center
AWGN additive white Gaussian noise
BA behaviour aggregate
BACS building automation and control systems
BCCH broadcast control channel
BCH broadcast channel
BER bit error rate
BGCF breakout gateway control function
BGP border gateway protocol
BICC bearer independent ...

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