

Abbe error, 437, 443

Abbe prism, 104

ACOS algorithm

estimated thickness profile, 764765

phase estimation, 761

phase unwrapping, 761762

Acousto-optic modulator (AOM), 434

frequency fluctuation, 306307

RF driver, 310311

AF, see Auto-focus (AF)

Air refractive index, 406

Ciddor’s equation, 415

Edlén equations, 415

interference phase topography, 417

Lorenz–Lorentz equation, 415

refractometric methods, 415

vacuum cell, 416

wavelength, 414

Amplitude modulation (AM), 313, 446

Antireflection coating (AR coating), 208, 244, 312, 407, 437, 729730

APD, see Avalanche photodiode (APD)

Apertureless probe, 391, 393394

Aspheric surfaces, 98

Astigmatism method, 9192, 99, 220, 481482

Atomic force microscope (AFM), 393, 396, 810811

Atomic force/photon ...

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