Chapter 12. Distributing TensorFlow Across Devices and Servers

In Chapter 11 we discussed several techniques that can considerably speed up training: better weight initialization, Batch Normalization, sophisticated optimizers, and so on. However, even with all of these techniques, training a large neural network on a single machine with a single CPU can take days or even weeks.

In this chapter we will see how to use TensorFlow to distribute computations across multiple devices (CPUs and GPUs) and run them in parallel (see Figure 12-1). First we will distribute computations across multiple devices on just one machine, then on multiple devices across multiple machines.

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Figure 12-1. Executing a TensorFlow graph across multiple devices in parallel

TensorFlow’s support of distributed computing is one of its main highlights compared to other neural network frameworks. It gives you full control over how to split (or replicate) your computation graph across devices and servers, and it lets you parallelize and synchronize operations in flexible ways so you can choose between all sorts of parallelization approaches.

We will look at some of the most popular approaches to parallelizing the execution and training of a neural network. Instead of waiting for weeks for a training algorithm to complete, you may end up waiting for just a few hours. Not only does this save an enormous amount of ...

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