

Acceleration feedforward control, 191204

adaptive identification-type, 197200

application, 204

constant-type, 194195

filter-type, 195

industrial robot application, 204

necessity for, 192193

performance evaluation, 200203

transfer function-type, 195197

types, 193200

vehicle application, 204

Access servo control, hard disk drive, structure, 60

Access servo control considering saturation, 5862

basic structure of access servo control, 5860

proximate time-optimal servomechanism, 62

reference velocity trajectory, 6061

Acoustic noise seek, 216231

long-span seek control, 225231

short-span seek control, 216225

Adaptive identification-type AFC, 197200

RLS gradient method, 199

AFC. See Acceleration feedforward control

Apparatus, commercial ...

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