Unfortunately, I cannot really answer that question, as several hundred metrics are available. The following list shows in which areas metrics are available:
- Analysis services
- API management
- Automation
- Autoscale
- Batch
- Cache (Redis Cache)
- Classic compute (Azure VM)
- Cognitive services
- Compute (Azure VM)
- CosmosDB
- Data Lake Analytics
- Data Lake Store
- Database for MySQL
- Database for PostgreSQL
- Device Provisioning Service (Azure IoT)
- Event Hub
- ExpressRoute
- IoT Hub
- Logic apps
- Network – public IP addresses
- Network – load balancer
- Network – traffic manager
- Network – virtual network gateways
- SQL database
- Storage
- Web apps
Enough of the theory, let's just take a look at how it works.
Here is a brief demonstration: ...