Note: Other acronyms may be defined as used under their respective appendices. Abbreviations used for references are described in Appendix A. Abbreviations used for the system life cycle processes are described in Appendix D.

Aa Achieved availability
Ai Inherent availability
Ao Operational availability
ADS Automated Driving Systems
AECL Atomic Energy Commission Limited [Canada]
AF Architecture Framework
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics [United States]
ALARP As low as reasonably practicable
ALT Accelerated Life Testing
ANSI American National Standards Institute [United States]
API American Petroleum Institute
API Application programming interface
ARAP As Resilient as Practicable
ARP Aerospace Recommended Practice
ASEP Associate Systems Engineering Professional [INCOSE]
ASOT Authoritative Source of Truth
ASQ American Society for Quality
ATAM Architecture tradeoff analysis method
AWG Automotive Working Group [INCOSE]
BIT Built-In Test
CAD Computer-aided design
CAIV Cost as an independent variable
CBA Cost–benefit analysis
CBS Cost Breakdown Structure
CCB Configuration Control Board
CE Conformité Européenne [EU]
CE Cost Effectiveness
CEA Cost‐effectiveness analysis
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CI Configuration Item
CI/CD Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery
CM Configuration Management
CMMI® Capability Maturity Model® Integration [CMMI ...

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