Index of extracts from financial statements

3i Group plc 727, 3146

A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S 2488

AB InBev NV 1634

AEGON N.V. 288, 3563, 3594

Ages Insurance Limited 530

Akzo Noble N.v. 1282, 1633

Alcatel-Lucent 853

Alliance Pharma plc 326

Allianz SE 2495, 3182, 3558, 3587

Amlin plc 3613

AMP Limited 3549, 3599, 3608

Angel Mining plc 2806

Anglo American plc 790, 2722, 2827

Anglo Platinum Limited 825, 1737, 1791, 2822

AngloGold Ashanti Limited 1478, 1730, 2690, 2710, 2754, 2824, 2825, 2828

Antena 3 de Televisión, S.A. 1264

Antofagasta plc 2817

ArcelorMittal 1300

ARINSO International SA 314

Armour Group plc 235

ASOS plc 1222

Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A 3565, 3579

AstraZeneca PLC 2470

Atlas Copco AB 1783

Aviva plc 2196, 2956, 3452, 3568, 3585, 3602, 3622, 3631

AXA Group 3551, 3571, 3577

BAE Systems plc 2336, 2338

Balfour Beatty plc 1521

Barclays Bank PLC 794, 3054

Barclays PLC 336, 340, 1814

Bayer AG 602, 1244, 1266, 1285, 1810, 2410, 2498, 3110

Beazley Group plc 3609

BG Group plc 1723, 2799

BHP Billiton Group 1932, 2535, 2714, 2726, 2751, 2756, 2792, 2808, 2912

BMW AG 2532, 2535

Bossard Holding AG 2541

BP p.l.c. 163, 833, 1727, 1788, 1832, 1982, 2449, 2516, 2647, 2659, 2669, 2732, 2757, 2794, 2800, 2802, 2921, 3473

Bradford and Bingley plc 2913

Brit Insurance Holdings plc 3619

British Aerospace Public Limited Company 1714

British Airways plc 1283

British Energy Group plc 2416, 2508

British Sky Broadcasting Group plc 2452

BSkyB Group plc 293

BT Group plc 1403

Cairn Energy PLC 354, ...

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