
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, t indicate tables, and b indicate boxes.


Active and healthy aging (AHA) 1
Active marker 76, 84–86, 94
Active sensors 237
Agriculture, IoT 
data analytics 123
device components 120
historical methods 119–120
image analysis technology 121
image processing 122–123, 122–123f
plant disease identification 121
role of 118–119
segmentation 122–123
smart farm irrigation system, architecture diagram 119
in Smart Greenhouse management system 122f
air temperature and humidity control 125
approval process 124
asset administration 124
end market connection 126
farm computerization 124
irrigation system methodology 123f, 124–125
LED growing light 124f, 126
Raspberry Pi controller 124
robotics 124
smart apiculture 125f, 126

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