Chapter 9. Box 5: Solutions

Figure 9-1. Box 5 of the Lean UX Canvas: Solutions

Finally we’ve arrived at the point in the Lean UX process when we get to talk about solutions. This is by design. While we certainly could have started our work discussing the solutions or features we’d like to build (and, most often, that’s where projects start: with required solutions!), our work is better when we step back and put some constraints in place. In our case, we’ve set constraints with our business problem statement, business outcomes, the persona work we’ve done, and our discussion of user outcomes and benefits. Without those constraints, solutions will either solve the wrong problem for the wrong people or end up scattered and unfocused. Each set of assumptions we’ve declared so far has constrained the space in which we can create solutions, and creativity thrives in constraints.

We’re still not getting into detailed design work here. That comes once we complete the canvas. However, we do start getting specific on what we believe will get us and our customers from their current condition to the target condition.

Facilitating the Exercise

As with most of these assumptions declaration exercises, there are multiple ways to facilitate them. We’ve listed several approaches below to help you get started, but feel free to add your favorite design brainstorming techniques to help you and your ...

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