Chapter 7. Preprocess Data

This chapter will explore common preprocessing steps using this data:

>>> X2 = pd.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "a": range(5),
...         "b": [-100, -50, 0, 200, 1000],
...     }
... )
>>> X2
   a     b
0  0  -100
1  1   -50
2  2     0
3  3   200
4  4  1000


Some algorithms, such as SVM, perform better when the data is standardized. Each column should have a mean value of 0 and standard deviation of 1. Sklearn provides a .fit_transform method that combines both .fit and .transform:

>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> std = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
>>> std.fit_transform(X2)
array([[-1.41421356, -0.75995002],
       [-0.70710678, -0.63737744],
       [ 0.        , -0.51480485],
       [ 0.70710678, -0.02451452],
       [ 1.41421356,  1.93664683]])

After fitting, there are various attributes we can inspect:

>>> std.scale_
array([  1.41421356, 407.92156109])
>>> std.mean_
array([  2., 210.])
>>> std.var_
array([2.000e+00, 1.664e+05])

Here is a pandas version. Remember that you will need to track the original mean and standard deviation if you use this for preprocessing. Any sample that you will use to predict later will need to be standardized with those same values:

>>> X_std = (X2 - X2.mean()) / X2.std()
>>> X_std
          a         b
0 -1.264911 -0.679720
1 -0.632456 -0.570088
2  0.000000 -0.460455
3  0.632456 -0.021926
4  1.264911  1.732190

>>> X_std.mean()
a    4.440892e-17
b    0.000000e+00
dtype: float64

>>> X_std.std()
a    1.0
b    1.0
dtype: float64

The fastai library also implements this:

>>> X3 = X2.copy()
>>> from fastai.structured ...

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