

AAU (awareness, attitudes, and usage), 43-47

limitations of, 47

purpose of, 43

abandoning customers, 170

abandonment rate, 347-351

A/B testing, 396

accepters, 35

A.C. Nielsen, 212

active users, 357

ACV (all commodity volume), 208-214

ad awareness, 45

ad rank, 343

advertising metrics, 295

AED, 319-323

CPM, 304-305

CPP (cost per point), 306

Dorfman-Steiner Theorem, 322

effective frequency, 316-317

effective reach, 316-317

exposures, 300-303

frequency, 306-309

frequency response functions, 311-314

impressions, 300-303

OTS, 300-303

reach, 306-309

share of voice, 318

AED (advertising elasticity of demand), 319-323

calculating, 320

Dorfman-Steiner Theorem, 322

AMA (American Marketing Association), 5

ANA (Association of National Advertisers), ...

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