Codeunit variables – calling functions from other codeunits

In all code examples in this chapter, we created codeunits that contained functions used locally by codeunits themselves. But a codeunit is a code library that could contain common functionality available to other objects. The following section will show how to invoke functions from code libraries in C/AL:

LOCAL ExportPriceList(FileName : Text)    XMLDoc := XMLDoc.XmlDocument;    XMLDOMManagement.AddRootElement(XMLDoc,'PriceList',RootNode);    IF Item.FINDSET THEN        REPEAT            XMLDOMManagement.AddElement(RootNode,'Item',Item."No.",'',ItemNode);            XMLDOMManagement.AddAttribute(ItemNode,'Description',Item.Description);            XMLDOMManagement.AddAttribute(ItemNode,'Price',FORMAT(Item."Unit Price"));        UNTIL ...

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