Multimodal Semantic Segmentation: Fusion of RGB and Depth Data in Convolutional Neural Networks
Zoltan Koppanyi⁎; Dorota Iwaszczuk†; Bing Zha⁎; Can Jozef Saul‡; Charles K. Toth⁎; Alper Yilmaz⁎ ⁎Department of Civil, Envir. & Geod Eng., The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States†Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany‡Robert College, Istanbul, Turkey
Semantic segmentation has been an active field in computer vision and photogrammetry communities for over a decade. Pixel-level semantic labeling of images is generally achieved by assigning labels to pixels using machine learning techniques. Among others, the encoder–decoder convolutional neural networks have become the baseline ...
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